Ortega - The Calm after the Storm
I have recently understood that there’s no such thing as waiting for the “perfect moment” to take action.
Things start happening once you start taking action. In order to become the person that you want to become, you have to shed your past life.
And that’s on you, things won’t start happening unless you make them happen, and when you start taking action, the universe conspires to make things work out for you.
This doesn’t mean things will happen as you imagine or want. This means that things will happen as they’re supposed to happen.
With time, you will realize, that everything that happens in your life when you are being true to yourself happen for a reason. Everything is happening for you, not to you.
Many times we get disappointed for things not working out they way we wanted them to workout, only to realize something better was just waiting for you on the other side of the struggle.
The key to living life is truly to just to live life. There’s no secret, no achievement, just pure experiences. And once you realize that everything is just another experience, life changes for you.
Take life as it is, the summary of experiences you go through as a human. The more you take action, the more experiences and the fullest life you live.
Let go of what you can’t control and shift your focus to the present.
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